Pôle Alpin d’études et de recherche pour la prévention des Risques Naturels (PARN)
32nd session of the European Forestry Commission Working Party on the Management of Mountain Watersheds: « Protection forests in European mountain regions », Innsbruck, 25-27 Sept. 2019
The session will focus on the protective functions of forests in mountain watersheds in a changing climate. Forests provide many services; some of these are protective functions that are important for humans and the environment. Mountain forests indeed play an important role in actively protecting from avalanche detachment, hindering landslides, stopping rockfall, preventing erosion and reducing runoff through deep soil formation. The aim of the session will be to gather and share different experiences and impacts of protective forests in a changing climate. A field excursion will be organized to the Alpine Stubai Valley.
► Working Party on the Management of Mountain Watersheds [FAO]