Alparc - Le réseau alpin des espaces protégés
Korean National Park Service visits ALPARC office
28/11/2017, Alparc - Le réseau alpin des espaces protégés
On November 22, the ALPARC operational unit had the pleasure to welcome a group of researchers and park managers from the Republic of Korea. The group around Mr Kim Won Kyung, senior researcher at the Korea National Park Service (KNPS) who also ensured translation from English, came to Europe for a benchmarking visit and exchange. Composed of researchers from the KNPS, Jeju Research Institute and the Hallasan National park service (Jeju Special Self-Governing Province), the group’s objective is to get inspiration from European nature conservation policies and protected area management for a new millennium management plan of Hallasan National park, on the occasion of its 50th anniversary (founded in 1970).
The operational unit presented the ALPARC network, it’s organisation, partnerships and the activities in the fields of ecological connectivity, regional development and mountain-oriented education. Following the presentation, the group had a vivid discussion on the organization and activities of the ALPARC network, as well as on management practices and current challenges for protected areas. Besides the visit at the ALPARC office, the group will visit the Vanoise National park in France and the Swiss National park during their stay in Europe.
Mount Hallasan is situated on Jeju volcanic island, the largest island off the coast of the Korean Peninsula. Highest mountain of South Korea with 1950 m a.s.l., Mount Hallasan is a massiv a shield volcano. The Mountain and Jeju Island have been designated a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve (2002), World Heritage Site (2007) and Geopark (2010).