Pôle Alpin d’études et de recherche pour la prévention des Risques Naturels (PARN)
Virtual Alpine Observatory (VAO) – Grenoble
Le 4ème symposium international de l’Observatoire Virtuel Alpin (VAO) se déroulera du 13 au 15 mars 2018 à Grenoble.
Parmi les thèmes abordés, figurent en bonne place les questions de variabilités atmosphériques et climatiques, l’impact du changement climatique sur l’environnement alpin, le cycle de l’eau et les risques naturels en zones de montagne. Ce symposium intégrera également la présentation des initiatives européennes de collecte et de partage des données (feuille de route ESFRI).
From 13 to 15 March 2018, the Virtual Alpine Observatory (VAO) will host an international symposium to present its latest findings and encourage networking activities. The symposium will be held in Grenoble, France, and will include presentations about new results from science and technology as well as about new project initiatives.
Alpine high altitude research stations contribute significantly to the monitoring, understanding, and forecasting of processes in the Earth system. Their exposed location creates almost ideal conditions for the investigation of many physical and chemical processes in the atmosphere, geosphere, cryo- and hydrosphere, as well as biosphere. The Virtual Alpine Observatory supports the research activities of European high altitude research stations by aggregating their measurements and performing joint research projects. VAO is contributing to the Alpine Convention and to EUSALP. Access to other data and to high performance computing facilities creates rare research opportunities.
The symposium provides an ideal forum for obtaining up-to-date information about the latest developments, exchanging ideas, identifying future trends, and networking with the international high altitude research community.
More details here