Alparc - Le réseau alpin des espaces protégés

YOUrALPS project: first milestones on Mountain-oriented education reached

Mountain-oriented education plays a key role to instil in young generation the sensibility and the knowledge of Alpine cultural and natural heritage. A stronger coordination between formal and non- formal education represents therefore a big potential for sustainable valorisation in the Alps. During more than one year, the YOUrALPS project partners worked in this sense: developing a framework for Mountain- oriented education being grounded on local experience.  In this context, research involving educators, young beneficiaries and other key stakeholder have been undertaken to give supports to diverse needs of the multiple actors in education in the Alps. The main results and conclusions of the survey and comparative analysis are now available in a comprehensive report “Comparative report on Mountain oriented education”. The report consists of three main sections, including a collection of best practices in the Alps, an extensive overview on political strategies and an outline on implementation approaches and related challenges. The report has been coordinated by the Institute of Geography, Innsbruck University.  Furthermore, in order to improve the coordination between formal and non-formal education in the Alps the multilingual web platform has been developed. It is available online in German, French, Italian, Slovenian and English. is the portal of the OurAlps network whose aim is to promote Mountain-oriented education, connect stakeholder throughout the Alps and provide tools and supports for education and mountain professionals as well as young people. The network and the portal have been developed under the coordination of Educ’Alpes.    ALPARC is lead partner for YOUrALPS and responsible for technical and financial management and the coordination of project partners’ activities. Moreover, the network is responsible for the project’s communication activities.  YOUrALPS is an Interreg Alpine Space project and lasts from November 2016 to October 2019. It is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund through the Interreg Alpine Space programme. For further information about the project, please visit the YOUrALPS website

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