Alparc - Le réseau alpin des espaces protégés
4th Video on ecological connectivity "Love without borders"
18/09/2017, Alparc - Le réseau alpin des espaces protégés
A short video to illustrate the importance of cooperation between the Alps and the Carpathians via the flat Danube river plains
Curious to know what happened to our friends the ibex, the bearded vulture and the fish? Want to learn more about the challenge of the red deer in the flat Danube river plains? A fourth short and humorous video clip about the importance of ecological connectivity in a specific geographical context is now being added to the existing series.
The short video clip that was developed in the frame of the cooperation between the networks of protected areas in the Alps (ALPARC) and the Carpathians (CNPA) and the Danube Protected Areas Network (Danube Parks) illustrates how landscape fragmentation may be a problem for wildlife in the intersection between these three European regions. Will we be able to see another happy ending? Take 2 minutes off and follow our red deer in their quest for love. The video is available on the ALPARC YouTube channel.