Pôle Alpin d’études et de recherche pour la prévention des Risques Naturels (PARN)
Premier Forum Annuel 2017 et 2ème Assemblée Générale de la SUERA, Munich
23-24 novembre 2017
Munich (Bavière)
Le PARN a participé au premier Forum annuel de la Stratégie macro-régionale de l’UE pour la Région Alpine organisé à Munich les 23 et 24 novembre 2017 par la Présidence Bavaroise. Couplé à la la 2ème Assemblée Générale de la SUERA, ce premier forum public associait des rencontres bilatérales, des conférences plénières et des ateliers thématiques, ainsi qu’une exposition grand public comportant des stand des 9 groupes d’action de la SUERA, de la Commission Européenne, du programme Espace Alpin, ou encore de la Convention alpine.
Cet important moment d’échanges a réuni de nombreux participants (> 580 inscrits), représentants européens, nationaux et régionaux des 7 pays alpins, afin de dresser un premier bilan de la mise en œuvre de la Stratégie, de présenter les actions en cours et de réfléchir collectivement au futur des stratégies macro-régionales après 2020.
La SUERA vise en effet notamment à mettre en cohérence les dispositifs de financement existants, à travers l’articulation des 80 programmes financés par les Fonds Structurels Européens auxquels sont éligibles les territoires de la région alpine, dans le cadre de la politique de cohésion de l’UE.
► EUSALP First Alpine Forum Munich website
Le Forum EUSALP 2017 (ec.europa.eu)
Pushing the boundaries of cooperation: EUSALP Forum 2017
EU Regional Policy, 23/11/2017
The Alps remain an anchor of stability and prosperity in Europe and a region with strong economic assets. But there are still challenges that must be faced and which go beyond national boundaries: trade flows, traffic congestion, ecosystems, climate change, or pollution. This is why two years ago Alpine Stated and Regions have decided together to reinforce the region’s assets by setting up the EU Strategy for the Alpine Region. . The quick start of its implementation has raised many expectations amongst stakeholders. Today and tomorrow representatives from European, national and regional representatives, as well as other stakeholders meet in Munich to take stock of what has been achieved through the Strategy and to look at the remaining challenges.
An important dialogue framework for the 7 EUSALP countries, the first EUSALP Annual, Forum, jointly organised by the European Commission and the current Bavarian Presidency, will focus on how to addressg the major challenges together in cooperative way.. The ministers representing the 7 countries will adopt the « Munich Joint declaration on the EU Strategy for the Alpine Region, confirming their countries’ commitment to address the current challenges together!.
More Information
1st Annual Forum of the EU Strategy for the Alpine Region
Factsheet of European Union Strategy for the Alpine Region
About the Strategy
Commissioner Crețu at the forum on Alpine Strategy in Munich
EU Regional Policy InfoRegio, 22/11/2017
Tomorrow, the Commissioner for regional policy Corina Crețu will be in Munich, Germany, to participate in the first annual Alpine macro-regional Strategy Forum alongside Karl-Heinz Lambertz, President of the Committee of the Regions. « This first forum will be an opportunity to make an initial assessment and to renew our commitment to the strategy, to work more closely together, across borders, in this big and beautiful region” stated Commissioner Crețu, « It will also be an opportunity to reflect on the future of our macro-regional strategies after 2020. » The Alpine Strategy, which brings together seven countries (France, Germany, Italy, Austria and Slovenia, as well as Liechtenstein and Switzerland) along with 70 million people, aims to further pool resources in the region to address common challenges, such as air pollution, road congestion and to increase trade. These resources include 80 different programmes financed by European Structural and Investment Funds; the aim of the strategy is to ensure the best use of the aforementioned programmes for everyone.
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Thursday, 23 November 2017
EUSALP General Assembly
Youth for EUSALP – Youth conference
Information session on the EU Alpine Strategy
Opening of the EUSALP Annual Forum
Taking stock of the Bavarian EUSALP Presidency 2017
Presentation of the EUSALP Youth Conference
Opening Plenary Session
Opening Plenary Session
Moderator: Tilman Schöberl, Bavarian Broadcasting Corporation
Opening of the First Annual Forum of the EU Alpine Strategy
Dr. Beate Merk, State Minister for European Affairs and International Relations, Bavaria
Corina Creţu, European Commissioner for Regional and Urban Policy
The Bavarian EUSALP Presidency 2017 in the context of the Trio Presidency Slovenia-Bavaria-Tirol
Dr. Beate Merk, State Minister for European Affairs and International Relations, Bavaria
Ulrike Scharf, State Minister of the Environment and Consumer Protection, Bavaria
Iztok Mirošič, State Secretary and Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Slovenia (EUSALP Presidency 2016)
Günter Platter, President of Tyrol (EUSALP Presidency 2018)
Youth for EUSALP – Presentation of results from the youth conference
Delegates of the EUSALP Youth Conference
Dr. Beate Merk, State Minister for European Affairs and International Relations, Bavaria
Markus Reiterer, Secretary-General of the Alpine Convention
Claus Habfast, Vice-President of Grenoble Metropolitan Region
Closing statement
Karl-Heinz Lambertz, President of the Committee of the Regions
Workshop 1 Embedding macroregional strategies into the post 2020 EU framework
Workshop 1 Embedding macroregional strategies into the post 2020 EU framework
The success of EU macro-regional strategies presupposes, in addition to the commitment of all those involved, also an adequate financial envelope for implementing measures. On initiative of Bavaria, 14 member regions of the EU Alpine strategy have adopted a common political position on how macro-regional strategies can be more firmly embedded into EU policy and into the EU Multiannual Financial Framework after 2020. This position will be discussed in the context of the current political discussions about the EU’s future and its finances.
Dr Brigitta Pallauf, President of the Regional Parliament of Salzburg and political representative for the Alpine Space Programme
Raffaele Cattaneo, President of the Regional Council of Lombardy and rapporteur on macro-regional strategies in the Committee of the Regions
Giuseppina De Santis, Minister for Economic Development, Piedmont
Katrin Schütz, State Secretary for the Economy, Employment and Public Housing, Baden-Württemberg
Herbert Dorfmann, MEP, Co-Founder of the « Friends of the EUSALP » Group in the European Parliament
Moderator: Lena Andersson Pench, Director, European Commission, DG Regional and Urban Policy
Rapporteur: Ann-Jasmin Krabatsch, European Commission, DG Regional and Urban Policy
Workshop 2 Extended Alps? Mutual stereotypes between urban and mountain regions in Europe
Macro-regional strategies such as EUSALP are transforming regions. But do they also change the way those regions are perceived? The relationship between mountain and metropolitan regions is characterised by reciprocal images, which also influence the development in the ‘extended Alps’, their growth and innovation. Based on the study « Interaction between mountain regions and metropolises », the workshop will address the potential of a critical questioning of mutual perceptions and expectations in the relation between metropolitan regions and mountain areas. Furthermore it will explore their impact for the specific fields of the EUSALP Action Groups.
Speakers and moderators:
Dr. Jens Badura, founder and manager of berg_kulturbüro, Ramsau, Germany
Prof. Dr. Bernhard Tschofen, Co-director Department of Social Anthropology and Cultural Studies at the University of Zurich, Switzerland
Closing remarks and rapporteur: Jean-Pierre Halkin, Head of Unit, European Commission, DG Regional and Urban Policy
Evening Reception
Photo Competition « Us & The Alps » – Award Ceremony
Dr. Beate Merk, State Minister for European Affairs and International Relations, Bavaria
Alpine Region Preparatory Action Fund (ARPAF) – Project Grant Award Ceremony
Dr. Brigitta Pallauf, President of the Regional Parliament, Salzburg
Closing statement
Ulrike Scharf, State Minister for the Environment and Consumer Protection
Friday, 24 November 2017
Workshop 3: Research, innovation and networking for the Alpine Region
The development of an effective Research and Innovation Ecosystem in the Alpine Region requires to bring together the existing potentials of 7 Countries and 48 Regions to better exploit synergies in the strategic sectors. AG1 members will present and discuss the projects and actions they are carrying on to tackle this challenge and particularly to (1) know about all existing bodies, networks, funding programmes and policies related to R&I; (2) view how strategically reinforce networking and harmonize programmes and rules; (3) plan a sustainable economic growth in line with the R&I Strategies for Smart Specialisation. The Platform of Knowledge will make these tools, services and results available for all users. Some best cases from ongoing Alpine Space Projects and related to AG1 priority fields of interest will be presented.
Emanuela Zilio, University of Milan: Research Laboratories in the Alpine Area (RE-SEARCH ALPS)
Prof. Dr. Michael Krautblatter, Technische Universität München, Christoph Mayer, Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Ulrich Münzer, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Florian Siegert, 3D RealityMaps GmbH and Markus Keuschnig, Georesearch AT: AlpSense – AlpSense: Alpine remote Sensing of climate-induced natural hazards
Margherita Russo, Ministry for Education, Research and University, Italy: From regional policies to a macroregional policy. Preliminary results from a comparative analysis on EUSALP regions
Prof. Dr. Markus Rhomberg, Managing Director, International Lake Constance University IBH: International Lake Constance University IBH – a good example for cross-border cooperation in science and research in the Alpine region
Umberto Bondi, USI – University of Italian Switzerland: The SCALE(up)ALPS project – fostering the scaling up phase of start-ups in the Alpine Space
Klemen Risto Bizjak, Municipality of Maribor: The ASP-Greencycle Project
Borut Vrščaj, Agricultural Institute of Slovenia: The ASP-Links 4 Soils Project
Moderator and Rapporteur: Anna Giorgi, Leader of EUSALP Action Group 1
Workshop 4: ``Going local`` – Green infrastructure meets climate adaptation strategies
The EUSALP Action Groups 7 and 8 have to tackle two big challenges. Sectoral synergies seem possible, for example concerning mountain forests, but what could be appropriate strategies for practical implementation? “Going local” – the current trend of community-led local development takes up the idea of mobilizing local communities and organizations to achieving overall goals in an integrated bottom-up approach. Could the local level in future be also the key to cope successfully with the big societal challenges of deploying a Green Infrastructure and dealing with natural hazards in times of necessary climate adaptation? The workshop will connect local stakeholders and decision makers to Alpine experts. It will give an impression of crucial sectoral topics, possible synergies and innovative solutions on the local level. Together conclusions and indications for further activities will be identified and a vision of how ideal cooperation mechanisms in the Alpine Region might look like will be initiated.
Peter Mayer, Austrian Research Center for Forests: Turning the wheel: Signposts for multifunctional solutions in the Alpine region
Prof Dr. Jörg Ewald, University of Applied Sciences Weihenstephan-Triesdorf, Bavaria: Climate adaptation and Green Infrastructure – Interrelations by the example of Alpine forests
Gian Antonio Battistel, Autonomous Province of Trento: Partnerships for Green Infrastructures in mountain areas
Sebastian Klinger, Bayerische Staatsforsten, Bavaria: Innovative forms of governance on local level – The Mountain forest initiative
Dieter Ofenhitzer, State Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Forestry, Bavaria: The LEADER approach
Tina Trampuš, Co-Leader of EUSALP Action Group 7
Florian Rudolf-Miklau, Co-Leader of EUSALP Action Group 8
Closing remarks and rapporteur: Giacomo Luciani, European Commission, DG Environment
Workshop 5: Moving in inter-connected transport systems
The improvement of cross-border connectivity in passenger transport requires the optimization and harmonization of travel information systems across regions and states. Experts will discuss the main challenges towards the creation of an interconnected multimodal travel information system, making public transport and sustainable modes more attractive and easy to use.
Thomas Haberer, Supreme Building Authority of the Bavarian Ministry of the Interior, Building and Transport: Unbounded Passenger Information? An Overview
Peter Herzog, Head system management passenger information, SBB/CFF/FFS: System management for passenger information and the example of the open data platform in Swiss public transport
Bettina Neuhäuser, Teamleader Services, Technologies and Services for Mobility, AustriaTech GmbH: Linking transnational, multimodal traveller information and journey planners for environmentally-friendly mobility in the Danube Region
Marcella Morandini, Director, Dolomiti UNESCO Foundation: Integrated Platform for public transport in the Dolomites
Jürgen Roß, Board of DELFI: With DELFI towards a consistent passenger information for Germany! – and also for EUROPE?
Ensuing discussion
Moderator and rapporteur: Patrick Skoniezki, Co-Leader of EUSALP Action Group 4
Workshop 6: Macroregional strategies meet transnational EU programmes – practitioners’ experiences and look ahead
This workshop builds on the political discussion of the topic in workshop 1. In an open panel discussion, experts from the INTERREG programme management, the implementation of the macro-regional strategies in the Member States and regions, as well as from the European institutions can identify and discuss the specific approaches and steps to better embed macro-regional strategies in the EU policy framework after 2020.
Anders Bergström, Policy Area Coordinator PA Education and Horizontal Action Coordinator HA Capacity / EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region
Dr. Susanne Ast, Leader EUSALP Action Group 2
Christina Bauer, Managing Authority Interreg Alpine Space Programme
Jean-Marc Venineaux, European Commission, DG Regional and Urban Policy
Moderator: Dr. Peter Eggensberger, National Co-Coordinator for macroregional strategies, State Ministry for the Environment and Consumer Protection, Bavaria
Closing remarks and rapporteur: Jean-Pierre Halkin, European Commission, Head of Unit, DG Regional and Urban Policy
Workshop 7: Positioning the Alpine Space as globally attractive health promoting place
Alpine Health Tourism combines medical and tourism aspects within the cornerstones of tourism, alpine authenticity, medical evidence, indication-based development, and regional development. The workshop will give insights to transnational projects that serve as role models for the development of Alpine health tourism based on unique natural healing resources.
Arnulf Hartl, Paracelsus Medical University Salzburg, Institute for Ecomedicine
Klaus Holetschek, Bavarian Spa association / Bayerischer Heilbäder-Verband e.V
Jens Huwald, BAYERN TOURISMUS Marketing GmbH
Bernhard Lehofer, Innovations- und Technologietransfer Salzburg GmbH
Michael Bischof, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Gabriella Squarra, Bayerisches Staatsbad Bad Reichenhall Kur-GmbH Bad Reichenhall / Bayerisch Gmain
Sandra Kern, Tegernseer Tal Tourismus GmbH
Moderator and rapporteur: Bernhard Lehofer, Innovations- und Technologietransfer Salzburg GmbH
Workshop 8: Establishing bio-based value chains and shaping future ways for traditional economic fields
The workshop means to demonstrate the practicability of the bio-based value chain creation chain approach in the Alpine region by the example of two specific projects, namely the project idea « AlpLinkBioEco » as well as the EUSALP kKowledge and Innovation network (EKIN). In addition, the project « Next generation – mountain farming 2030 » shall demonstrate that the establishment of innovative bio-based value chains for mountain products can expand the prospects for young farmers in the Alpine Region.
Hans-Joachim Hermann, National Ageny for the Environment, Germany: Introduction
Prof. Ralf Kindervater, BIOPRO Baden-Württemberg GmbH, Germany: The project « AlpLinkBioEco »
Cassiano Luminati, Polo Poschiavo, Switzerland: The EUSALP Knowledge and Innovation Network (EKIN)
Anton Dippold, State Ministry for Food, Agriculture and Forestry, Bavaria: « Next Generation – Mountain farming 2030 »
Ensuing discussion: Potential and limits of Green Economy in the Alpine Region
Moderator: Prof. Ralf Kindervater, BIOPRO Baden-Württemberg GmbH, Germany
Closing remarks and rapporteur: Giacomo Luciani, European Commission, DG Environment
Workshop 9: The Smart village approach: a gearwheel to innovation, development, sustainability and job opportunities
The project « Smart Village » aims to improve the availability of public services in small villages and towns through the use of IT (e.g. eHealth, digital education, energy supply etc.). Specifically, the project intends to first examine the current state of play of digitalisation at regional level. In a second step, an open source Exchange platform as well as individual tools will be developed and tested with the involvement of different stakeholders. Eventually, the tools are meant to be made available to all villages and cities. The aims of this workshop are to get a common understanding of the concept of Smart Villages, to refine the activities of the strategic initiative of Smart villages, to create synergies between the three concerned Action Groups and to investigate the potential for cooperation. The workshop further aims to communicate to participants the challenges and opportunities of digitalisation in the Alps and to provide concrete solutions, to identify ways of spreading the concrete solutions to other areas in the alpine arc not actively involved in the EUSALP-projects and to show the added value of the EUSALP process to the public.
Andrea Halmos, European Commission, DG Connectivity and Networks: “Presentation of the EU action for Smart villages”
Thomas Egger, Co-Leader of EUSALP Action Group 5: “Smart villages – a strategic initiative for EUSALP”
Boglarka Fenyvesi-Kiss, Leader of EUSALP Action Group 3: “New models in education and employment: the Smart Working experience of Trento Autonomous Province as an essential driver for the digitalization of the alpine areas”
Ulrich Santa, Leader of EUSALP Action Group 9: “Smart Energy – where the Alps are really getting smart”
Moderator and rapporteur: Thomas Egger, Co-Leader of EUSALP Action Group 5
Workshop 10: A communication strategy for macroregional strategies - elements of a strategic approach
Open to EUSALP EB members, nominated communication experts and specifically invited guests only!
The internal expert workshop is to contribute to improving the communication of macro-regional strategies. Based on an exchange of experience with transnational communication strategies from the EU Strategy for the Alpine Region, the Alpine Convention, and Interact and taking into account the results of a Conference on Communication at the Mediterranean Coast week in September 2017, communication experts of the Alpine States and regions are to discuss synergies and possibilities to pool their forces in communicating macroregional strategies.
Dr. Peter Eggensberger, National Co-Coordinator for macroregional strategies, State Ministry for the Environment and Consumer Protection, Bavaria: Introduction
Anna Giorgi, ERSAF, responsible for the creation of the EUSALP communication strategy: The EUSALP Communication Concept
Stojan Pelko, former State Secretary, Ministry of Culture, Slovenia: Main conclusions from the EU MRS conference on media and communication in Slovenia
Taja Ferjančič Lakota, Communication Officer Permanent Secretariat Alpine Convention: The communication strategy of the Alpine Convention
Jörg Mirtl, Project Manager, Interact Secretariat: Communication strategies of Macroregional strategies and their interfaces to transnational INTERREG programmes
Ensuing discussion
Moderator: Jean-Pierre Halkin, European Commission, Head of Unit, DG Regional and Urban Policy
Rapporteur: Filomena Silva Carvalho, European Commission, Team Leader EUSALP, DG Regional and Urban Policy
Closing Plenary Session
Moderator: Jean-Pierre Halkin, European Commission, GD Regional Policy
Reports from the workshops of the day
EU Alpine Strategy – the road ahead
Filomena Silva Carvalho, European Commission, Team Leader EUSALP, GD Regional Policy
Michael Hinterdobler, Director European Policy and International Relations, State Chancellery, Bavaria
Dr. Florian Mast, National Coordinator of the EUSALP Presidency 2018, Tyrol
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► AG + Forum Annuel SUERA/EUSALP