Appel à contribution

Inscription for the doctoral spring school : Arts in the Alps - "Making marks, la fabrique sensible des traces"

Du 04/04/2019 à 24/04/2019

Dead Line : April 24th 2019

draw out-follow by foot-devise-plan- map-score-trace-ponder-delineate-investigate-look for-discoverpursue…These etymological roots and routes of trace making are ever so present in the ways in which we practice our research in the Arts, humanities and the social sciences.

This year we would like to invite you to apply to our 2nd biannual “Arts in the Alps” Doctoral Spring School entitled MAKING MARKS, LA FABRIQUE SENSIBLE DES TRACES THAT will address the traces that are materialized with and through practice based research Experimentation.

The Arts in the Alps 2019 Spring School will bring together a vibrant community of researchers and artists from the arts, humanities and the social sciences (or art, dance, geography, computer science and performance) to explore and experiment the ways in which sensorial becomes material within the context of practice based research. During this weeklong event we aim to focus on the ways in which material traces are made through and for artistic research and in turn can be shared across international communities.

The school’s objectives are to

- interrogate the embodied situated thinking that underpins practice based research;

- question the ways in which the materiality of trace making informs research;

- question how traces become artefacts which are shared across interdisciplinary and scientific communities.

practical workshops and reflective seminars will address :

How the materiality of artistic practice can be used as a reflective tool ?

How the physicality of creative research artefacts move beyond the performative moment of making ?

How perceptual traces or artefacts can be shared between different scientific fields ?

This event follows the successful 2017 school which took place at the Magasin art centre and brought together students from 12 countries.

This year the event will take place in the new « Maison de la création et de l’innovation MACI »

Our new building on the University of Grenoble Alps main campus and well surrounding sites in the alps. Our new facility has specialized spaces for making and documenting practice based research and aims to support the ways in which the arts, humanities and the social sciences produce research in terms of process and product.

Organization of the week :

Throughout the five-day intensive doctorate school, the attendees will have the opportunity to participate in different workshops and seminars. These include daily movement practice, performance experimentation, creative writing and map making workshops led by an international group of researchers and artists.

(Please note that the final program with the 2019 Faculty will be posted by mid-March)
Anne-Laure Amilhat Szary (geographer, PACTE, UGA)
Elizabeth Claire (dance historian CNRS, CRH-EHESS)
Anne Dalmasso (historian, LARHRA, UGA)
Catherine Hänni (biologist, LECA, CNRS/UGA)
Jen Harvie (theatre and performance scholar, Queen Mary University of London, UK)
Leslie Hill (CURIOUS, UK; Roeahampton University, UK)
François Laplantine (anthropologist, Université Lyon 2)
Laura Levin (performance scholar and artist, York University, Canada)
Coralie Mounet (géographe, PACTE, CNRS)
Helen Paris (CURIOUS, UK; Stanford University, USA)
Stéphanie Pons (dancer, ADM mouvement)
Philippe Rekacewicz (geographer, map maker)
Lionel Reveret (technologies et services de l’information, INRIA)
Gretchen Schiller (choreographer, Litt&Arts, UGA)

Scientific and Artistic Organizing committee :

Anne-Laure Amilhat Szary (geographer, PACTE, UGA), Elizabeth Claire (historian, EHESS, CNRS), Anne Dalmasso (historian, LARHRA, UGA), Andrea Giomi (post doctorate, musician, Performance Laboratory, UGA), Catherine Hänni (biologist, LECA,CNRS, UGA), Jen Harvie (Theatre and performance, Queen Mary University of London), Inge Linder-Gaillard (art and architecture historian, École Supérieure d’Art et de Design, Grenoble), Lionel Reveret (technologies et services de l’information,
INRIA), Gretchen Schiller (choreographer, Litt&Arts, UGA), And Jean-Paul Thibaud (sociologist, UMR AAU/ Cresson, ENSAG)

- The application must be composed of:
o a CV (3 pages max)
o a letter of motivation : describe your doctorate research subject, methodology and trace making approaches; suggest a question concerning trace making that you would like to address during the spring school

The application file must be sent in English or in French to the following address:
- The application deadline is April 24th 2019
- Accepted candidates will be informed by April 30th 2019
- Enrollment on the AZUR platform from 3rd to 13th May 2019


500 euros (enrollment, meals (breakfast, 2 dinners and 5 lunches) for the week as well as local transport) includes housing

225 euros (enrollment local transport and meals (breakfasts, 2 dinners and 5 lunches) for the week) without housing

Additional information:
a few billeting places are available based on need

For further information, please contact:

Submitted by leila.shah on Thu, 04/04/2019 - 14:43