Actualité du Labex
Conference : "Europe’s mountains: characterisation, policies, and actors"
During international symposium "Mountain regions, territories of innovation", Pr. Martin Price (Director of the Centre for Mountain Studies at Perth College, University of the Highlands and Islands, Scotland, UK and Chairholder of the UNESCO Chair in Sustainable Mountain Development) will give a lecture :
Europe’s mountains: characterisation, policies, and actors
Mountains cover 35% of Europe’s area and are home to 17% of the continent’s population. These mountains, ranging from the Arctic to the Mediterranean, are highly diverse in every respect. Characterising them depends greatly on the spatial scale of analysis. This presentation will first introduce trends and patterns of population, employment, land use, water supplies, biodiversity, and protected areas across Europe’s mountains. Second, policies and policy initiatives – both sectoral and integrated – that have been promoted by a variety of actors and implemented at both European and national scales will be discussed.