Perrin-Malterre Clémence
She is sociologist and she work on outdoor sport management, in protected area; on touristic diversification of low mountains destination and on evolution of outdoor offer. Currently, she study interrelationship between outdoor activities and wildlife. So, she conduct quantitative and qualitative survey for outdoor sport participants to analyse their types of practice and their perceptions of environment and wildlife.
In the LABEX ITEM, she was involved in the pole “from individual innovation to territorial intelligence” of WP “InnoMont”. She analyse innovation network in sport tourism. Currently, she is involved in the project “ Ecosystem of mountain sport tourism and dynamics of innovation”. She analyse emerging practice in ski resorts. At least, she is project’s holder of “Shared areas between recreationists and wildlife : toward an integreted management of moutain socio-ecosystem
Mail : clemence.perrin-malterre[at]