Piazza-Morel Delphine

Delphine Piazza-Morel is an engineer. She works on territorial development, particularly on the questions of the environment and the management and the conservation of natural resources on territory of mountain. She is responsible for the scientific support and animation of multidisciplinary and partnership research projects in the field of the sustainable development of territories of mountain in a context of global change (in particular the project BIOMONT for the LabEx ITEM and the project ADAMONT : climate change adaptation strategies for mountain territories - funded by French Ministry of Environment).

Mail : delphine.piazza-morel[at]irstea.fr

Projets associés

Bibliographie Innovation & Territoires de Montagne


Agnès Bergeret, Emmanuelle George-Marcelpoil, Jean-Jacques Delannoy, Delphine Piazza-Morel. L'outil-frise : une expérimentation interdisciplinaire : Comment représenter des processus de changements en territoires de montagne ?. 2015, les Carnets du Labex ITEM. ⟨hal-01230027⟩



Vincent Boudières, Jean-Jacques Delannoy, Benjamin Einhorn, Emmanuelle George-Marcelpoil, Carine Peisser, et al.. Changement global et risques naturels . [Rapport de recherche] LabEx ITEM. 2014. ⟨hal-00946954⟩
