
Recensement des données existantes en sciences humaines et sociales à l’échelle de la région Rhône-Alpes-Auvergne sur la thématique du changement climatique

Du 18/01/2016 au 08/07/2016

Census of existing data in human and social sciences at the regional scale (Rhône-Alpes-Auvergne) about climate change

The purpose of this internship is to search data produced in human and social sciences in the Rhône-Alpes-Auvergne region. These data are, for now, hardly accessible. We are focusing on data produced through academic research. This mission does not consist in creating new data but to identify what is the data already produced, where is it, how is it stored, is it accessible, under what conditions is it accessible?

To complete this mission, we conduct semi-directive interviews with social sciences researchers working on climate change. This investigation seeks to collect information about possible data sources about climate change and adaptation and to enable the qualification of this data. Collected data will be structured and analyzed during the second phase of the project. Results of this work will be presented during the Science and Society Workshop, which will take place at the beginning of 2017

Submitted by lba_admin on Fri, 18/03/2016 - 14:09

Membres partenaires

Lutoff Céline

Direct.eur.rice de stage

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Labranche Stéphane

Direct.eur.rice de stage

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de Gouville Magali

Chargé.e de projet

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