Applications of variogram modeling to electrical resistivity data for the occurrence and distribution of saline groundwater in Domail Plain, northwestern Himalayan fold and thrust belt, Pakistan
This paper studies electrical resistivity dataset acquired for a groundwater study in the Domail Plain in the northwestern Himalayan section of Pakistan. Through a combination of geostatistical analysis, geophysical inversion and visualization techniques, it is possible to re-model and visualize the single dimension resistivity data into 2D and 3D space. The variogram models are utilized to extend the interpretation of the data and to distinguish individual lithologic units and the occurrence of saline water within the subsurface. The resistivity data has been calibrated with the lithological logs taken from the available boreholes. As such the alluvial system of the Domail Plain has formed during episodes of local tectonic activity with fluvial erosion and deposition yielding coarse sediments with high electrical resistivities near to the mountain ranges and finer sediments with medium to low electrical resistivities which tend to settle in the basin center. Thus a change is depositional setting happened from basin lacustrine environment to flash flooding during the Himalayan orogeny. The occurrence of rock salt in the northern mountains has imparted a great influence on the groundwater quality of the study area. The salt is dissolved by water which infiltrates into the subsurface through the water channels. Variogram aided gridding of resistivity data helps to identify the occurrence and distribution of saline water in the subsurface.