
Institut d'Urbanisme de Grenoble

Università degli Studi Milano di Milano-Bicocca - Dipartimento di sociologia e ricerca sociale

The University of Milano-Bicocca was founded as autonomous organization on June, 10th 1998. In the Times Higher Education rankings 2015 dedicated to the best hundred universities with less than 50 years, the University was ranked 24th in the world, 1s...

Laboratoire d'Informatique de Grenoble - UMR 5217

Laboratoire d’Écologie Alpine (UMR 5553)

We wish in particular to adress present and crucial environmental issues such as global change, loss of biodiversity and low-level chronic pollution. Our skills are centred on ecology, environment and evolution sciences. Following the definition of bi...

Laboratoire de géographie physique et environnementale (UMR6042)

Géolab laboratory is an UMR situated in Clermont Ferrand and Limoges, which developped research on physical geography and environnemental geography. This research unit is structured in three teams : Paléoenvironement and géoarchéology ; contemporary g...