
Guex Delphine

My researches deal with regional development. Inspired by mountain territories, I try to consider the stakes of the postindustrial society to suggest a model of regional development. Indeed, mountain territories and the Alps in particular present an e...

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Hagimont Steve

Ph.D. student since 2013 (professors : Jean-Michel Minovez and Vincent Vlès), his thesis is questionning the tourist ownership in its imaginary, social, economic and environmental implications, in the case of french and spanish Pyrenees since the nine...

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Hobléa Fabien

Researcher and teacher in environmental geography at the University Savoie Mont Blanc, working on the following themes: interface society/ mountain and karst areas; interface resources / heritage in mountain areas (mainly water and geoheritage...

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Jacob Lauranne

After classical law studies, I chose geography and mountain. Firstly I made a geography research paper on the changing landscape of cross-border Valley (Vallorcine) in relation to its socioeconomic development. After an internship and a legal brief on...

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