Projet de thèse

Le rôle des PME au sein de dynamiques de développement territorial durable

Vallée de Suse (Italie) et Vallée de la Maurienne (France)
Du 01/10/2014 au 30/09/2017

This thesis focuses on the conditions that facilitate cooperation between SMEs and other actors (individuals and private, public and civil organizations) in local sustainable development policies. Assuming that at first they require to be effective a cooperation between the actors based on sharing a set of common values, we will produce a methodological reflection facilitating the emergence of it. This methodology will consist of a number of principles applicable at a territorial level and that public policy should encourage. This approach is built around the analysis of cross-border mountain territories.

Submitted by lba_admin on Tue, 06/10/2015 - 17:48

Membres partenaires

Buclet Nicolas

Direct.eur.rice de thèse

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Judet Pierre

Direct.eur.rice de thèse

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