Partenaire scientifique

Zone Atelier Alpes

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The Zone Ateliers Alpes is a multidisciplinary research and observation system that focuses on the trajectories and the functioning of the socio-ecosystems of the Alps in the context of global climate change and socio-economic changes in mountain territories.

Its objectives are:

  • To coordinate and / or support the scientific programs of long-term observation of relations between environment and societies in the Alps;
  • To promote research at the interfaces between the ecology of ecosystems, geosciences (climatology, hydrology, nivology) and human and social sciences (history, sociology, territorial economy);
  • To co-construct research questions with the players in the territories (managers of protected areas, local authorities).

The Zone Ateliers is part of the  Zone Ateliers Network, which constitutes a long-term Observation and Experimentation System for Environmental Research (SOERE), labeled by the National Alliance for Research on the Environment (AllEnvi). The network of workshops is the French link of the international Long Term Ecological Network.

The operation of the ZAA is financed by two research organizations: CNRS and Irstea.

Most of the ZAA scientists belong to the Grenoble-Alpes University Community.