Arpin Isabelle

I am interested in contemporary ways of studying and managing nature in the biodiversity era. I particularly focus on the interface between nature managers and scientists. Most of my research fields are located in mountain protected areas.

In the frame of the ITEM Labex, I have contributed to works on the scientific councils of protected areas in the Northern Alps. I am currently involved in the project entitled “Making mountain areas singular”, with a particular focus on the role of knowledge in these processes.

Mail : isabelle.arpin[@]

Bibliographie Innovation & Territoires de Montagne


Isabelle Arpin, Arnaud Cosson, Carreira Joachim, Céline Granjou. Chercheurs et protecteurs ? La participation aux conseils scientifiques comme voie d'engagement dans la protection de la nature. Isabelle Arpin; Gabrielle Bouleau; Jacqueline Candau; Audrey Richard-Ferroudji. Les activités professionnelles à l'épreuve de l'environnement, Octarès, 2015, 978-2-36630-039-0. ⟨hal-01344376⟩


Isabelle Arpin, Gaëlle Ronsin, Thomas Scheurer, Astrid Wallner, Fabien Hoblea, et al.. The scientific councils of Alpine protected areas: an overview and analysis of their contribution to linking science and management. eco.mont - Journal on Protected Mountain Areas Research, 2016, 8 (2), pp.5-12. ⟨10.1553/eco.mont-8-2s5⟩. ⟨hal-01581009⟩


Karine Larissa Basset, Isabelle Arpin, Arnaud Cosson, Caroline Darroux, Mélanie Duval, et al.. Trajectoires de la distinction territoriale en montagne : vers un nouveau régime d’authenticité patrimoniale ?. 2016. ⟨halshs-01578896⟩


Isabelle Arpin. Parc naturel régional du Vercors : Les Conseils scientifiques des espaces protégés des Alpes du Nord. Une étude inter- et transdisciplinaire. [Rapport de recherche] labex item. 2015. ⟨hal-01206668⟩